Posted by : Unknown
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
What’s responsive web design?
It’s a flexible approach that automatically reformats your layout based on the user’s screen size.
If someone visits your site on a computer, they see the “traditional” version. If they visit on their tablet or phone, they’ll see the same content laid out differently for a better smaller screen experience. No more squinting to read text or having to resize pages while on-the-go.
How it works
CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets Level 3) is a technology that helps style the look and formatting of your website. CSS3 lets you perform a media query to determine a device’s screen size and adjust how content is displayed accordingly.
Example:, the tourism site for Nashville, TN. You can sample the site’s responsiveness by resizing your computer’s web browser, or by doing a side by side comparison with a computer and a tablet or smartphone.